If you reload ammunition, I am sure you are aware that powder and other components have been very difficult to obtain. Here at SportingArms, we currently have primers in stock, as well as a fair selection of projectiles. Powder remains difficult to obtain, but we have been receiving shipments more frequently. We still don't have any Varget, Unique or Reloder 15, and we don't know when to say we expect any. The answer is that we don't know, but as soon as it is available you can be sure we will be stocking it again!
What we can do is assist you in formulating a load with what is available in the store. Please understand that we cannot do this over the telephone. If you are interested, please stop by the store and let us help you.
On the ammunition subject, we currently have a good stock of most common calibers, except the elusive .22LR and .22Mag. Those continue to be difficult to obtain.
We also do not ship powder, primers or ammunition. If you live a long distance away, we are happy to assist you with a purchase over the phone. We take all major credit cards. You can then have someone pick up your items. Let us know if we can help you in this way!